
These are word's definitions related to dream. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于dream的信息


  • 0 a series of events or images that happen in your mind when you are sleeping

    • a good/bad dream 好/噩夢

    • a recurring dream 反覆出現的夢境

    • I had a very strange dream about you last night. 昨晚我夢見了你,那個夢非常奇怪。

    • [ + that ] Paul had a dream that he won the lottery. 保羅夢見自己中了六合彩。

  • 1 something that you want to happen very much but that is not very likely

    • It's always been my dream to have flying lessons. 學習飛行一直是我���夢想。

    • Winning all that money was a dream come true. 贏得了那些錢,終於美夢成真了。

    • Win the house of your dreams in our fantastic competition! 參加我們超級棒的競賽,贏得您夢想中的房子!

  • 2 the perfect house, job, etc., that you want more than any other

  • 3 to experience events and images in your mind while you are sleeping

    • What did you dream about last night? 昨晚你夢見甚麽了?

    • I often dream about/of flying. 我常夢見自己在飛。

    • [ + that ] I dreamed that I was having a baby. 我夢見自己要生小孩了。

    • Did you say that you were going tonight or did I dream it? 你說了今晚要去嗎,還是只是我的想像?

    • I thought I'd bought some polish and it seems I haven't - I must have been dreaming. 我以爲自己買了一些亮光劑而現在似乎並沒有——這一定是我自己的想像。

  • 4 to imagine something that you would like to happen

    • I dream of living on a tropical island. 我夢想著生活在熱帶島嶼上。

    • [ + that ] He never dreamed that one day he would become president. 他做夢也沒有想過有一天他會成為總統。

    • "Watch. All I have to do is wink at her, and she'll come over here." "Dream on, Dave!" 「你瞧著,我只要衝她眨眨眼,她就會過來。」「做夢去吧,戴夫。」








