narrow Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 with little distance between the two edges -- smal

    • The sidewalk is narrow. Fortauet er smalt.

    • a narrow road en smal vei

  • 1 indicates sth almost did not happen -- knapp

    • a narrow win en knapp seier

    • a narrow escape en flukt som såvidt lyktes

  • 2 limited or not varied -- snever

    • a narrow view of life et snevert livssyn

    • a narrow selection of products et snevert utvalg av produkter

  • 3 very small in size or number -- knapp

    • to win by a narrow margin/majority å vinne med knapp margin/knapt flertall

  • 4 to become narrow -- smalne

    • The gap between the two candidates has narrowed. Avstanden mellom de to kandidatene er blitt mindre.

    • the point where the river narrows stedet hvor elven smalner

  • 5 having or being only a small distance from side to side -- smal, trang


Examples of narrow

  • At the very least, its diffusion narrows the distance between the practices of science and the practices of production.

  • However, it is worth noting that his actual concerns are narrower than this.

  • The left ventricular outflow tract was moderately narrowed from hypertrophied septal tissue.

  • Although the lumen is not significantly narrowed, localized peaks of velocity, up to 2 m/sec were found close to the two indented regions.

  • At times the reports range over a number of question areas, and at other times they are concerned with narrower themes.

  • As time went by, the search gradually narrowed.

  • Coercion, she argues, is the narrower notion; coercion always undermines voluntariness but coercion is not always present when agreement is involuntary.

  • In the future, however, it would be useful to explore issues such as those raised here using a sample with a narrower age range.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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