hence Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 indicates the reason for sth -- derav

    • This water breeds mosquitoes, hence the high occurrence of malaria. Dette vannet avler mygg, derav den hyppige forekomsten av malaria.

  • 1 for this reason -- følgelig, derfor

  • 2 from this time -- fra nå av, framover

  • 3 away from this place. -- herfra


Examples of hence

  • It would also have implications for identifying the central pathways conveying the visual information, and hence for the retinal sources.

  • A bill based on the weight of the copper (and later zinc), and hence the amount of electricity used, was sent to the household.

  • Hence, we decided to categorize all instances of extra vowels at the end of a noun as ambiguous.

  • Hence, there were no reasons to discount volumes of healthcare consumption or effects.

  • Hence, it is hard to imagine that these two fiber types are working in synchrony on the same behavioral and thought processes.

  • Hence, their universe is very similar to the earthly universe.

  • Unlike the case of tree planting, however, fallowing of food crop fields does not require labor effort and, hence, tends to weaken land rights.

  • Hence, as ^ 1 0, the function w(0) tends towards its value with initial conditions (4.56).




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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