exactly Betydning & definisjon

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Betydning av exactly På norsk

  • 0 not more or less than -- eksakt

    • exactly 3 meters long eksakt tre meter lang

    • at exactly 2 o’clock presis klokken to

    • exactly 5 days from now nøyaktig fem dager fra nå

  • 1 in every way -- akkurat

    • She’s exactly like her mother. Hun er helt lik moren sin.

    • No two pictures are exactly the same. To bilder er aldri helt like.

  • 2 emphasizes that you agree -- akkurat

    • “It’s not fair!” “Exactly! That’s what I said.” “Det er ikke rettferdig!” “Nettopp! Som jeg sa.”

  • 3 indicates sth is not completely accurate -- ikke akkurat

    • “Do you work here?” “Not exactly. I just volunteer.” “Jobber du her?” “Ikke akkurat. Jeg er bare frivillig.”

    • It’s not exactly difficult, is it? Det er ikke akkurat vanskelig, er det vel?

  • 4 just; quite; absolutely -- nettopp, akkurat

    • He’s exactly the right man for the job.

  • 5 in accurate detail; precisely -- til punkt og prikke, akkurat

    • Work out the prices exactly

    • What exactly did you say?

  • 6 used as a reply meaning ’I quite agree’ -- nettopp, akkurat, helt riktig

Flere definisjoner av exactly

Eksempler på exactly

  • Each stem is associated with exactly one signature.

  • The articulation function is exactly the same one.

  • The application architecture reflects the subject architecture, but does not mirror it exactly.

  • A first consequence of expression (3) is that only strings having a length which is an integer number of ct are exactly simulated.

  • Also, the very choice of exactly two categories may be problematic.

  • The value of any dimension-reducing controller is found exactly in how well it loses information.

  • Their power lies not in their uniqueness or their style but in the fact that they appear everywhere in exactly the same form.

  • The explicit condition uses exactly the same input, but addresses the syntactic structures explicitly.

Flere eksempler på exactly

Oversettelser av exactly på andre språk

  • 中文繁体

    精確地, 確切地, 完全準確地…

  • 中文简体

    精确地, 确切地, 完全准确地…

  • Español

    exactamente, exacto…

  • Português

    exatamente, precisamente, exato…

  • 日本語

    正確に, まさに, そのとおり…

  • Türk dili

    çok doğru, tamam, tam…

  • Français

    exactement, absolument, avec précision…

  • Catalan

    exactament, exacte, això mateix…

Flere oversettelser av exactly



May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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