condition Betydning & definisjon

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Betydning av condition På norsk

  • 0 the physical state -- tilstand [ masculine ]

    • the condition of the house husets tilstand

    • in good/bad condition i god/dårlig tilstand

  • 1 [ plural ] the situation or environment in which sth happens -- betingelser [ masculine ]

    • terrible living/working conditions forferdelige livsbetingelser/arbeidsforhold

    • under normal economic conditions under normale økonomiske betingelser

  • 2 [ plural ] the weather at a particular time -- vær [ neuter ]

    • in freezing/windy conditions i kaldt/trekkfullt vær

  • 3 a serious health problem -- sykdom [ masculine ]

    • a heart condition en hjertesykdom

  • 4 sth that must be true before sth else is allowed -- betingelse [ masculine ]

    • the terms and conditions of the agreement avtalens vilkår og betingelser

    • You did not meet the conditions for a loan. Du tilfredsstilte ikke betingelsene for et lån.

    • You can go, on the condition that you are home by 11:00. Du kan gå ut, på den betingelse at du er hjemme innen klokken 11.

  • 5 too ill or upset to do sth -- ikke i form til å

    • You’re in no condition to get out of bed. Du er ikke i form til å gå ut av sengen.

  • 6 to make the hair softer by applying cream after washing -- ha balsam i

    • Do you condition your hair? Bruker du balsam i håret?

  • 7 to cause behavior by gradually rewarding it over time -- tilvenne

    • to condition the animals to respond to the sound å venne dyrene til å gi respons på lyden

  • 8 state or circumstances in which a person or thing is -- forfatning, tilstand, forhold

  • 9 something that must happen or be done before some other thing happens or is done; a term or requirement in an agreement -- betingelse, vilkår

    • It was a condition of his going that he should pay his own expenses

    • That is one of the conditions in the agreement.

  • 10 to affect or control -- tilpasse, bestemme, betinge

  • 11 to put into the required state -- komme i form, forbedre seg

Flere definisjoner av condition

Eksempler på condition

  • One can understand the fetishization of data in such rescue conditions.

  • This is not an abstract condition; it is something that is happening now.

  • The solvability condition is applied, as in equation (2.19).

  • This is a natural condition when modelling hydrologic systems.

  • At this point we make essential use of the cone condition.

  • The following gives a sufficient condition for positivity.

  • We now replace the condition (2) by the following.

  • Analysisof the wave system makes use of three boundary conditions.

Flere eksempler på condition

Oversettelser av condition på andre språk

  • 中文繁体

    狀態, 狀況, 疾病…

  • 中文简体

    状态, 状况, 疾病…

  • Español

    estado, enfermedad, condición…

  • Português

    condição, estado, enfermidade crônica…

  • 日本語

    状態, 病気, 条件…

  • Türk dili

    hal, durum, konum…

  • Français

    condition [feminine], état [masculine], maladie [feminine]…

  • Catalan

    estat, malaltia, condició…

Flere oversettelser av condition



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