base Betydning & definisjon

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Betydning av base På norsk

  • 0 the bottom part -- fot [ masculine ]

    • the base of the mountain foten av fjellet

    • a statue’s marble base en statues marmorsokkel

  • 1 a place where military employees live and work -- base [ masculine ]

    • an army base en militærforlegning

  • 2 the main place of a person’s or organization’s activities -- base [ masculine ]

    • the company’s base of operations selskapets operative base

    • I used my friend’s house as a base for exploring the area. Jeg brukte huset til vennen min som base for å utforske området.

  • 3 people who regularly support or use sth -- base [ masculine ]

    • our customer base kundebasen vår

    • the Republican base det republikanske grunnfjellet

  • 4 (in baseball) one of the four places a runner must touch -- base [ masculine ]

    • first/second/third base første/andre/tredje base

  • 5 the main part of a mixture -- basis [ masculine ]

    • a polish with an oil base et polermiddel med oljebasis

  • 6 to do everything needed to complete sth -- dekke alt det grunnleggende

    • If we’ve covered all the bases, then we can go home. Hvis vi har gjort alt det viktigste, kan vi gå hjem.

  • 7 wrong or inaccurate -- på jordet

    • The rumors are way off base. Ryktene er helt på jordet.

  • 8 to make a place be the main location of an organization’s activities -- basere

    • The company is based in Detroit. Selskapet er basert i Detroit.

    • den Florida-baserte veldedighetsorganisasjonen

  • 9 the foundation, support, or lowest part (of something), or the surface on which something is standing -- fundament, sokkel; grunnlinje; fot

  • 10 the main ingredient of a mixture -- basis, base

  • 11 a headquarters, starting-point etc -- base, hovedkvarter

  • 12 (often with on) to use as a foundation, starting-point etc -- basere på, bygge/grunne på; stasjonere

  • 13 wicked or worthless -- gemen, uedel, simpel

    • base desires.

Flere definisjoner av base

Eksempler på base

  • Another type of vector is based on oncolytic viruses.

  • We do this in exactly the same way as in the base case.

  • This is based on the following simple observation.

  • It is upon these data that this paper is based.

  • The numbers are based on 132 two-hourly speech samples from 6 children and 75 two-hourly speech samples from 15 children.

  • It can be appropriately chosen based on specific applications.

  • Both reports were based on the same original papers (1;4).

  • Such a suggestion is based on both theoretical [pure] and practical arguments.

Flere eksempler på base

Oversettelser av base på andre språk

  • 中文繁体

    底部, 基底,底座, 底層,底部…

  • 中文简体

    底部, 基底,底座, 底层,底子…

  • Español

    base, pie, base [feminine]…

  • Português

    base, fundamento, base militar…

  • 日本語

    底, 土台, ふもと…

  • Türk dili

    temel, taban, kaide…

  • Français

    base [feminine], siège [masculine], fondement [masculine]…

  • Catalan

    base, peu…

Flere oversettelser av base



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