
Dit zijn woorden examples gerelateerd aan stress. Klik op een woord om naar de detailpagina van het woord te gaan. Of, ga naar de definitie van stress.

Voorbeelden van stress

  • All that stress at work had begun to drag him down.

  • People often behave irrationally when they are under stress.

  • She's been under a lot of stress recently and it's starting to tell.

  • Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

  • She seems to thrive on stress.

  • In this dictionary, stress in compounds is indicated by stress markers.

  • I can never remember which syllable the stress is on.

  • The bishop stressed the importance of faithfulness in marriage.

  • I must stress that these are only preliminary findings.

  • I stressed that this was our policy.

  • He stressed the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables in the diet.

  • The government repeatedly stressed its support for parental choice in the selection of a child's school.

  • In the word 'dessert' the second syllable is stressed.

  • Stress the second syllable in the word 'bizarre'.

  • Rather, he stressed that the more people, the greater the energy for socialist revolution and construction.

  • If the final syllable does not have a long vowel or end in two or more consonants, the initial syllable is stressed.

  • If there is no such syllable, the syllable with a single coda consonant is stressed.

  • He had stressed the central question of co-operation and willingness to accept a common responsibility.

  • What should be stressed is the importance of meritarian criteria in our general thinking about justice.

  • Opposing trends stressing macrohistory, historical regularities and a larger geographical frame of reference can also be observed.

  • The magnitudes of the compressive stresses in masonry are very small.

  • Communality is always stressed, while individuality is seen as a matter for internal expression.

  • As the diagram shows, there are two different loading conditions but the larger of the resulting stresses may be taken for each condition.

  • Residents who had been involved in preference relocations stressed the importance of having choices for their initial and subsequent moves into, within and between care-homes.

  • The surface stresses (tensions) are functions of the local extension ratios, which depend on the global deformation of the membrane.

  • Experiments with doubly driven film flow, in which gravitational and surface tension gradient stresses are competing, have uncovered some new phenomena.

  • His decision to exclude secondary stresses (1999: 14), but to include two 'equal' stresses, is very problematic.

  • While phrases tend to be stressed phrase-finally, compounds tend to be stressed on the first element.

  • Two points need stressing when explaining coding of this category.

Betekenis van stress

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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