stress Définition En Français

  • 0 feelings of being tired, worried, and unable to deal with problems -- stress [ masculine ]

    • the stresses and strains of working two jobs les tensions et pressions liées à l’exercice de deux emplois

    • students experiencing stress before final exams des étudiants en proie au stress avant les examens finaux

  • 1 pressure that damages sth -- pression [ feminine ]

    • As one engine part fails, it puts stress on other parts. Quand une partie du moteur lâche, ça met la pression sur les autres parties.

  • 2 emphasis or importance -- accent [ masculine ]

    • The school puts a lot of stress on good behavior. L’école insiste beaucoup sur l’importance d’un comportement correct.

  • 3 the force you give to a word or syllable when you say it -- accent [ masculine ]

    • In the word “surprise,” the stress is on the second syllable. Dans le mot “surprise”, l’accent est sur la seconde syllabe.

  • 4 to emphasize the importance of sth -- insister sur

    • I want to stress that we have not forgotten those who helped us. Je tiens à souligner que nous n’avons pas oublié ceux qui nous ont aidés.

    • We stress safe driving habits with young drivers. Nous insistons auprès des jeunes conducteurs sur les habitudes de prudence au volant.

  • 5 to give extra force to a word or syllable when you speak -- accentuer

    • “I am not quitting,” she said stressing “not.” “Je ne démissionne pas.” a-t-elle dit, en insistant sur le “pas”.


Examples of stress

  • I would like to stress that my political group is extremely cautious where biometrics is concerned.

  • Therefore, the stress tests must cover an accumulation of different risks.

  • Transport, especially transport over long distances with a lack of space, produces stress, and stress means more susceptibility to disease.

  • After the stress tests, you must also give us your idea of how we can get out of nuclear technology.

  • People are under constantly increasing pressure at work and at school, and this stress means that we do not perform at our full capacity.

  • What is more, in order to save the banks, you invented 'stress tests'.

  • Any preparations which can be completed today will mean less worry and stress tomorrow and will make the whole project that much safer.

  • Because there was a clear link between this problem and stress and tension in the workplace.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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