spend Définition En Français

  • 0 to use money -- dépenser

    • How much did you spend? Combien avez-vous dépensé ?

    • I spend about $30/week on food. Je dépense environ 30 $ par semaine en nourriture.

    • I spent all my money. J’ai dépensé tout mon argent.

  • 1 to use time -- passer

    • She spent about an hour doing homework. Elle a passé environ une heure à faire ses devoirs.

    • I’d like to spend more time with the kids. J’aimerais passer plus de temps avec les enfants.

    • We spent two weeks camping in Colorado. Nous avons passé deux semaines à camper dans le Colorado.

  • 2 to use up or pay out (money) -- dépenser

    • He spends more than he earns.

  • 3 to pass (time) -- passer


Examples of spend

  • People suffer from energy poverty if a relatively large proportion of their income has to be spent on heating their home.

  • We cannot continue to spend a pittance fighting cancer and a fortune supporting tobacco.

  • To spend so late is to throw money away.

  • How much should we spend on nuclear fusion?

  • Phantom aid, whereby the money is mainly spent on consultants, assessment reports and studies, must be reduced.

  • What we are actually doing is taking money out of people's private pockets or purses and spending it on their behalf through bureaucracies.

  • We are particularly concerned about public money being spent on the ‘yes’ campaign, and about the plans to spend even more on it.

  • Furthermore, recreational boating is a leisure activity, and people want to spend their time in the most tranquil surroundings possible.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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