spare Définition En Français

  • 0 extra and available to use if necessary -- de rechange/secours

    • I have no spare time at all this week. Je n’ai pas du tout de temps libre cette semaine.

    • Do you have a spare pen I could borrow? As-tu un autre stylo que je pourrais emprunter ?

    • a spare tire in the trunk of the car un pneu de secours dans le coffre de la voiture

  • 1 to give sth to sb when you have more than you need -- mettre à la disposition

    • Can you spare anyone to help us out? Pouvez-vous vous passer de quelqu’un qui pourrait nous donner un coup de main.

    • I have some paper I can spare. J’ai du papier que je peux mettre à disposition.

  • 2 to save from having to suffer -- épargner

    • She begged them to spare her father’s life. Elle les a suppliés d’épargner la vie de son père.

    • She was spared the embarrassment of having to apologize. On lui a épargné l’embarras de devoir s’excuser.

  • 3 to make a big effort, spend a lot of money, etc. -- ne pas ménager les efforts/frais etc.

    • He spared no expense on the wedding. Il n’a pas ménagé les frais pour le mariage.

  • 4 left over, extra -- disponible

    • I bought two pairs of jeans and still had money to spare. J’ai acheté deux jeans et il me restait encore de l’argent

    • I have twenty minutes to spare, so let’s get some coffee. J’ai vingt minutes devant moi, alors prenons un café.

  • 5 an extra of sth that you can use if necessary -- de rechange

    • The batteries are dead, and I don’t have any spares. Les piles sont mortes et je n’en ai pas de rechange.


Examples of spare

  • Spare parts for cars and aircraft, toys and pharmaceutical products, all of which endanger the lives of consumers, are to be found on the counterfeit market.

  • Therefore, at most, only 25% of the entire spare-part market will be affected.

  • What they did not give us was any training for our motor mechanics or spare parts.

  • Consequently, spare parts will be cheaper and of better quality.

  • The market in spare car parts is no exception.

  • The question has arisen in relation to spare parts for cars, specifically external parts.

  • Hospitals, for instance, have medicines but no spare parts for their equipment.

  • Parents often do not even know what risks their children are exposed to or are not at all interested in how they spend their spare time.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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