row Définition En Français

  • 0 a number of people or things arranged in a line -- rang [ masculine ]

    • chairs arranged in rows des chaises disposées en rangs

    • a row of trees planted along the river une rangée d’arbres plantés le long de la rivière

  • 1 happening one after another -- l’un/une derrière l’autre

    • There were three tornadoes in a row. Il y avait trois plants de tomate l’un derrière l’autre.

  • 2 to move a boat using oars -- ramer

    • They rowed across the lake. Ils ont traversé le lac à la rame.

  • 3 an argument in which you disagree with sb -- dispute [ feminine ]

    • She had a row with her boyfriend. Elle a eu une dispute avec son petit-ami.

  • 4 a line -- rang(ée)

  • 5 to move (a boat) through the water using oars -- ramer

    • He rowed (the dinghy) up the river.


Examples of row

  • We have shown great flexibility during the votes and continued with these from the row concerned.

  • On this committee all the groups and the chairman worked very reasonably together until, after our work, this row blew up.

  • I am glad to see that those in the front row understand what we are talking about here.

  • We all belong on the same boat and want to row with you.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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