owe Définition En Français

  • 0 to be required to pay back money you have borrowed -- devoir

    • They haven’t paid back the money they owe. Ils n’ont pas remboursé l’argent qu’ils doivent.

    • I owe you $20 for the ticket. Je te dois 20 $ pour le billet.

  • 1 to feel grateful to sb, because they have helped you -- devoir

    • I owe my parents so much for all the help they gave me. Je dois tellement à mes parents pour toute l’aide qu’ils m’ont apportée.

  • 2 to have a duty to do sth for sb -- devoir

    • We owe it to the rest of the staff to try to make the business work. Nous devons au reste du personnel d’essayer de faire marcher l’affaire.

    • You owe her an apology. Tu lui dois des excuses.

  • 3 to be in debt to -- devoir

    • I owe (him) $10.


Examples of owe

  • Companies that consider themselves to be socially responsible owe it to society to reduce to a minimum the negative social and environmental effects of their activities.

  • We owe that to the people, because it is our duty to alleviate human suffering; it is our ethical duty and it is in our long-term interest.

  • We owe this to the victims and those left behind.

  • We likewise owe a duty of solidarity in this area towards developing countries.

  • It is a duty on the part of we law makers and a right owed to creditor companies.

  • We owe this fundamental quality assurance not only to patients, but also to taxpayers.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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