imagine Définition En Français

  • 0 to think of or picture sth in your mind -- imaginer

    • She imagined him asking her to marry him. Elle l’imaginait lui demandant de l’épouser.

    • I can’t imagine what he’d do if she left him. Je n’imagine pas ce qu’il ferait si elle le quittait.

    • Close your eyes and imagine the most beautiful beach in the world. Fermez les yeux et imaginez la plus belle plage au monde.

  • 1 to suppose sth is true -- imaginer

    • I imagine he’s already bought himself one of those new phones. J’imagine qu’il s’est déjà acheté l’un de ces nouveaux téléphones.

  • 2 to believe sth is happening when it is not -- (s’)imaginer

    • “Did you hear that?” “No, you must be imagining things!” “Tu as entendu ça ?” “Non, tu dois t’imaginer des choses !”

  • 3 indicates disapproval or surprise -- (tu t’)imagines / (vous vous) imaginez

    • Imagine leaving kids alone in the house for all that time. Laisser des enfants seuls dans la maison pendant tout ce temps, tu t’imagines.

  • 4 to form a mental picture of (something) -- imaginer

    • I can imagine how you felt.

  • 5 to see or hear etc (something which is not true or does not exist) -- (s’)imaginer

    • You’re just imagining things!

    • Children often imagine that there are frightening animals under their beds


Examples of imagine

  • I cannot imagine that that is what you want.

  • Can you imagine it, in a single room?

  • This can only be imagined in the most surreal political situation.

  • Everyone can imagine what sort of safety hazard such a lorry would be on roads covered in snow and ice.

  • You will see that the examples are extremely diverse and go much further than you would imagine.

  • We can therefore imagine their quality of life.

  • We have to imagine what is happening over there.

  • I do not think we could have imagined a more beautiful spot and a more beautiful image.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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