exactly Définition En Français

  • 0 not more or less than -- exactement

    • exactly 5 days from now exactement 5 jours à partir de maintenant

    • at exactly 2 o’clock à 2 heures précises

    • exactly 3 meters long exactement 3 mètres de long

  • 1 in every way -- exactement

    • No two pictures are exactly the same. Deux tableaux ne sont jamais exactement identiques.

    • She’s exactly like her mother. Elle est exactement comme sa mère.

  • 2 emphasizes that you agree -- exactement

    • “It’s not fair!” “Exactly! That’s what I said.” “Ça n’est pas juste !” “Exactement/absolument ! C’est ce que je disais.”

  • 3 indicates sth is not completely accurate -- pas exactement/précisément

    • It’s not exactly difficult, is it? Ça n’est pas vraiment difficile, n’est-ce pas ?

    • “Do you work here?” “Not exactly. I just volunteer.” “Est-ce que vous travaillez ici ?” “Pas exactement/précisément. Je suis juste bénévole.”

  • 4 just; quite; absolutely -- exactement

    • He’s exactly the right man for the job.

  • 5 in accurate detail; precisely -- avec précision, précisément

    • What exactly did you say?

    • Work out the prices exactly


Examples of exactly

  • That is exactly what we need now.

  • However, that is exactly what is happening.

  • That is exactly what we need.

  • That is exactly the problem.

  • What exactly does this mean?

  • This is exactly what we are trying to do.

  • That is exactly what we are avoiding through this compromise.

  • Speaking with one voice is exactly what we are trying to do in this adventure.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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