contribute Définition En Français

  • 0 to give sth to help -- apporter sa contribution

    • I’m happy to contribute to this kind of project. Je suis heureux d’apporter ma contribution à ce type de projet.

    • to contribute a few dollars toward the cost il a contribué à la dépense de quelques dollars

  • 1 to be part of the reason why sth happened -- contribuer

    • Heavy rain contributed to the plane’s landing problems. La pluie diluvienne a contribué aux problèmes d’atterrissage de l’avion.

  • 2 to write articles for a newspaper, magazine, etc. -- écrire pour

    • She often contributes to the paper. Elle écrit souvent pour ce journal.

  • 3 to give (money, help etc) along with others -- contribuer

    • I’ve been contributing (articles) to this paper for many years.

    • Have you contributed (any money) to this charity?

  • 4 (with to) to help to cause to happen -- contribuer à


Examples of contribute

  • The sixth framework programme is already able to contribute to this field, in particular through the priority given to ‘aeronautics and space’ and to information society technologies.

  • I believe that this will become extremely difficult, and that we must create an additional financial framework, in order to contribute to the realization of the networks.

  • Can excise duties contribute to this reversal?

  • This period has afforded us sufficient opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the directive in contributing to a genuine single market for motor insurance.

  • Since it guarantees interoperability and offers users greater freedom of choice, standardisation will certainly contribute to preventing the appearance of monopolies.

  • Traditional sources of revenue have lost their significance, and contribute more to the general confusion than to transparency.

  • They can also contribute to the use of personal qualifications and qualities in a successful business.

  • The modernization of ports infrastructure can contribute to the promotion and development of the tourism industry, production sector and local markets.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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