break Définition En Français

  • 0 a temporary stopping of activity -- pause [ feminine ]

    • to take a break from full-time work prendre un temps partiel

    • a coffee/lunch break une pause café/déjeuner

  • 1 [ singular ] a chance for success -- chance [ feminine ]

    • His big break came when he won a talent show. Son jour de chance est arrivé quand il a gagné à une émission de jeunes talents.

    • I finally got a break when my parents lent me some money. J’ai finalement pu percer quand mes parents m’ont prêté de l’argent.

  • 2 where sth is broken -- félure [ feminine ]

    • a break in the glass une félure dans le verre

  • 3 a short vacation -- vacances [ feminine, plural ]

    • We took a break for a few days. Nous avons pris quelques jours de vacances.

    • students leaving for Spring Break des étudiants partant pour les vacances de printemps

  • 4 to stop being unpleasant to sb -- lâcher qqn

    • Give her a break – she’s trying her hardest. Lâche-la un peu, elle fait de son mieux.

  • 5 emphasizes annoyance or disbelief -- laisse/-ez tomber

    • $5000 for a bike? Give me a break! 5 000 $ pour un vélo ? Laisse tomber !


Examples of break

  • This is why we must break away from neoliberal economic policies.

  • I am sure that we all took away rewarding reading matter during our summer break.

  • This wall has to be broken down.

  • We have to break the dictatorship of the market.

  • It was impossible to stifle or break our spirit, however, and we continued to live as free people.

  • We are confronted here once more with a spiralling use of force which is difficult to break.

  • Ingenuity is needed to break this 'chicken and egg' situation.

  • If the chain is broken, we risk seriously compromising safety.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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