base Définition En Français

  • 0 the bottom part -- base [ feminine ]

    • a statue’s marble base le socle de marbre d’une statue

    • the base of the mountain le pied de la montagne

  • 1 a place where military employees live and work -- base [ feminine ]

    • an army base une base militaire

  • 2 the main place of a person’s or organization’s activities -- siège [ masculine ]

    • I used my friend’s house as a base for exploring the area. J’ai utilisé la maison de mon ami comme pied-à-terre pour explorer la région.

    • the company’s base of operations le siège des opérations de la société

  • 3 people who regularly support or use sth -- base [ feminine ]

    • the Republican base la base républicaine

    • our customer base notre base de clients

  • 4 (in baseball) one of the four places a runner must touch -- base [ feminine ]

    • first/second/third base première/deuxième/troisième base

  • 5 the main part of a mixture -- base [ feminine ]

    • a polish with an oil base une cire à base d’huile


Examples of base

  • As with the current fund, the new proposal is based on the subsidiarity principle.

  • Based on the results of this dialogue, common actions will be defined.

  • These reports are the only criteria which can be used to base the decision on accession.

  • The vehicle was abandoned well within the eastern sovereign base areas.

  • The extent of liability in the event of accidents at sea is based on inspectors' evaluations of the condition ships are in.

  • Finally, do not allow the repair of this submarine in an inappropriate base.

  • At the base of this misunderstanding is the notion that culture is purely national.

  • Is this pipe dream not based on a huge overestimation of the human race?




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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