paint Definición En Español


Examples of paint

  • Precisely because of the imposition of limits, the paint industry has undergone a period of intensive innovation, the end of which is still a long way off.

  • I am, for example, pleased that we adopted an amendment to the effect that paints and varnishes should not contain substances classified as carcinogens, mutagens or substances toxic to reproduction.

  • In the medium- and long-terms, there would, indeed, be an increase in the applications of the paint necessary and, therefore, inevitably, an increase in emissions.

  • The fact is also to be welcomed that 70% of decorative paints are now water-based.

  • Sometimes it was small garage paint-shops, sometimes it was domestic use of paint, sometimes it was other substances in other places.

  • We must move towards water-based paints, and it is time that rules were drafted to that effect.

  • What is missing in the puzzle is the piece that regulates paint thinners.

  • The picture brightened even further today in the form of the rapporteur's speech, but the picture that is being painted is still far removed from the truth.
