logically Definición En Español

  • 0 in a way that uses reason and good judgment -- lógicamente

  • 1 -- lógicamente

    • Logically, we know that not everyone can win. Lógicamente, sabemos que no todos pueden ganar.

    • to think logically about sth pensar lógicamente sobre algo


Examples of logically

  • The two initial phases were not observed which, logically, ought to compromise the third.

  • Logically, neither should the calls for clarification of procedures.

  • This work therefore, logically, has to be undertaken confidentially.

  • Logically speaking, if these are good objectives for us, they should also be complied with in those countries.

  • It is contrary to human nature, which logically should shine forth in a democracy, however inconvenient.

  • The system is logically unacceptable from the viewpoint of economic exploitation.
