fundamental Definición En Español

  • 0 relating to the most important or main part of something -- fundamental

  • 1 relating to what is most basic and important -- fundamental [ masculine-feminine ]

    • to make fundamental changes hacer cambios fundamentales

    • the fundamental difference between us la diferencia fundamental entre nosotros


Examples of fundamental

  • But we should only consider using this clause if there is a fundamental deterioration.

  • Invoking this 'fundamental right' is, in reality, only a 'hotch-potch' utopia.

  • They must also resist regular attempts to challenge the fundamental experience of controlling fertility.

  • But that message of hope carries within it the seeds of the other fundamental message.

  • It is of fundamental importance that we find and deliver an efficient basis for the allocation of agricultural funding.

  • This is of fundamental importance in terms of safeguarding food production.
