abolish Definición En Español

  • 0 to end a law or system -- abolir

    • Slavery was abolished in the US in 1865.

  • 1 to end officially -- abolir

    • The law was abolished in 1979. La ley fue abolida en 1979.


Examples of abolish

  • In addition, should we not abolish unanimity altogether in the case of taxation relevant to the internal market?

  • What is needed is to end the unnecessary regulation of the entire sector, to remove export subsidies and to abolish quotas completely.

  • We must abolish the exemption that still exists regarding the non-use of double-hull tankers.

  • But since this is the case, humans can abolish it, renounce it and commit these acts no more.

  • Let me state clearly that we do not want to abolish codecision.

  • So there is still no commitment to abolish the cruel, leg-hold traps.
