resist Significado & definición

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Significado de resist en español

  • 0 to stop yourself from doing something that you want to do -- resistir(se) (a)

  • 1 to refuse to accept something and try to stop it from happening -- resistir(se), oponerse a

  • 2 to fight against someone or something that is attacking you -- resistir(se), oponerse a

  • 3 to not do sth you want to do -- resistirse

    • I really wanted the chocolate, but I resisted. Realmente quería el chocolate, pero me abstuve.

    • Try to resist the temptation to spend more money. Intenta resistir la tentación de gastarte más dinero.

  • 4 to fight back against an attack -- resistirse

    • If they resisted capture they would be shot. Si resistieran la captura, serían fusilados.

  • 5 to oppose or challenge -- resistirse

    • to resist arrest resistirse a ser arrestado

  • 6 to not be harmed or damaged -- resistir

    • A stronger roof could have resisted the storm. Un tejado más fuerte podría haber resistido la tormenta.

Más definiciones de resist

Ejemplos de resist

  • I would hope that we can resist, or at least minimise, that temptation.

  • We know that such reforms are greatly resisted by the deeply entrenched military establishment.

  • Some people have not been able to resist the temptation to reply simply that this question is not on the agenda.

  • But there is a distinguishing mark, a clear tendency towards self-government and sovereignty which has resisted all the historical upheavals and misfortunes.

  • Now, suddenly, they would be left completely unable to resist competition at this level.

  • Our country has also resisted this type of challenge.

  • The changes are often resisted by the same players.

  • So, who is resisting this?

Más ejemplos de resist

Traducciones de resist en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    反抗, 回擊, 抵抗…

  • 中文简体

    反抗, 回击, 抵抗…

  • Português

    resistir a, recusar, opor-se…

  • 日本語

    (誘惑など)を退ける, 我慢する, ~を拒否する…

  • Türk dili

    direnç göstermek, kendini tutmak, karşı koymak…

  • Français

    résister, résister à, refuser de…

  • Catalan

    resistir(-se a), resistir(-se), oposar-se a…

  • العربية

    يُقاوِم, يَمْتَنِع…

Más traducciones de resist