remain Significado & definición

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Significado de remain en español

  • 0 to continue to be in the same state -- permanecer, quedarse

    • Despite the chaos around him, he remained calm.

  • 1 to continue to exist when everything or everyone else has gone -- seguir en pie, quedar

    • Only a few hundred of these animals remain today.

  • 2 to stay in the same place -- permanecer

  • 3 to be left when other things or people are gone -- sobrar

    • Only six bottles of water remained. Sólo quedaban seis botellas de agua.

    • Thirty letters remain to be printed. Quedan treinta cartas por imprimir.

  • 4 to continue to be in a particular state or condition -- permanecer

    • He remained optimistic despite the difficulties. Él permaneció optimista a pesar de las dificultades.

    • It’s likely to remain cloudy all afternoon. Es probable que permanezca nublado toda la tarde.

  • 5 to stay in a place or position -- permanecer

    • He remained on the sofa, too tired to move. Se quedó en el sofá, demasiado cansado para moverse.

Más definiciones de remain

Ejemplos de remain

  • This should not remain an isolated case; the possibility should definitely be left open in other contexts, too.

  • The democracies of the world must remain vigilant, must share intelligence more effectively and must be prepared to take tough action.

  • It is unacceptable for the yuan to remain so low when the country has such a high foreign trade surplus.

  • That is something we must have no part in; on the contrary, we have to remain within the boundaries.

  • It should be emphasised that the crisis did not turn at any time into a widespread mutiny and remained essentially confined to military operations.

  • But what about those who are released, who pose no threat, but who have no wish to remain in a country that wrongly imprisoned them?

  • Your footprint will remain with us for five years.

  • We have to remember that for evil to thrive it only takes good men and women to remain silent.

Más ejemplos de remain

Traducciones de remain en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    停留,留下, 保持不變,仍然是, 剩餘…

  • 中文简体

    停留,留下, 保持不变,仍然是, 剩余…

  • Português

    permanecer, ficar, restar…

  • 日本語

    (ある状態の)ままである, (ある状態を)保つ, 残存する…

  • Türk dili


  • Français

    rester, demeurer…

  • Catalan

    romandre, quedar-se, quedar…

  • العربية

    يَبْقى, يَتَبَقّى…

Más traducciones de remain