plain Significado & definición

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Significado de plain en español

  • 0 simple and not complicated -- sencillo

  • 1 not mixed with other colours -- liso

  • 2 obvious and clear -- evidente, claro

    • It’s plain that she is not happy here.

  • 3 to be very easy -- ser pan comido

  • 4 a large area of flat land -- llanura, llano

  • 5 without decoration or extra things added -- liso/sa [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • plain white plates platos blancos lisos

    • good plain food comida buena sencilla

  • 6 easy to see or understand -- claro/ra [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • It was plain that the plan wasn’t working. Estaba claro que el plan no estaba funcionando.

    • a document written in plain English un documento escrito en inglés sencillo

    • He made it plain that he was not interested. Él dejó claro que no estaba interesado.

    • He prides himself on his plain speaking. Él se enorgullece de su franqueza al hablar.

    • The union refused to accept it, plain and simple. El sindicato se negó a aceptarlo, lisa y llanamente.

  • 7 (of a person) not very pretty or attractive -- feúcho/cha [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a plain child un niño mal parecido

  • 8 a large flat area of land -- llanura [ feminine, singular ]

    • the plains of the Midwestern U.S. las llanuras del medio oeste de los Estados Unidos

  • 9 emphasizes a bad quality -- simplemente

    • That was just plain stupid! ¡Eso fue simplemente estúpido!

Más definiciones de plain

Ejemplos de plain

  • Even though we have the 2006 directive, it is plain that it is not working as well as it should.

  • It is obvious that in mountain regions we need to have a policy of quality production, because it is impossible to compete with the milk factories in the plain.

  • The benefits that would stem from this are plain to see, indeed it is hard to understand why a plan of this scope has not been published before now.

  • Moreover, contract terms should be drafted in plain and intelligible language.

  • I think this is plain to see.

  • Put into plain language, this means that not all of those who travel on the roads, by rail or on water pay the same price for what they actually use.

  • To be plain, new targets mean new money.

  • The report is, in my judgement, something which the international community has to make plain that it intends to do something about.

Más ejemplos de plain

Traducciones de plain en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    未添加任何東西, 樸素的, 不加修飾的…

  • 中文简体

    未添加任何东西, 朴素的, 不加修饰的…

  • Português

    sem graça, claro, cor única…

  • 日本語

    単純な, シンプルな, 無地の…

  • Türk dili

    sade, basit, gösterişsiz…

  • Français

    simple, clair/claire, évident/-ente…

  • Catalan

    senzill, llis, evident…

  • العربية

    بَسيط, سادة, واضِح…

Más traducciones de plain