
  • 0 the amount that something or someone weighs -- 重量,分量;体重

    • I lift weights twice a week at the gym. 我每周去健身房两次练习举重。

    • Try not to lift heavy weights. 不要试图举起重物。

    • There was a slight decrease in his weight after a week of dieting. 经过一周的节食之后,他的体重略有减轻。

    • What weight can this lorry safely carry? 这辆卡车的安全载重量是多少?

  • 1 respect, influence, trust, or importance -- 重要性;影响;分量

    • Radical views don't carry much weight any more. 激进的观点影响力不再那么大了。

    • After he was voted out of office, few people attached much weight to what he said. 他落选下台以后,就没什么人重视他所说的话了。

    • Her experience does give her opinions quite a bit of weight. 她的经验的确给她的观点增加了分量。

  • 2 to fasten something heavy to something -- 加重量于,使变重

    • Paper tablecloths need to be weighted down or they blow away in the wind. 纸桌布需要有东西压着,否则会被风吹走。



  • The effect of the transgene was dependent on the genetic background for almost all body weights and relative gonadal-fat-pad weights, but less for fat content.

  • At each vine harvest the numbers and the fresh weights were recorded.

  • Other weights may be regarded as more suitable depending on the circumstances.

  • Yield components (number of capsules per plant, the 1000-seed weights and seeds per capsule) were recorded.

  • What are the attributes and what are their weights?

  • 29-48%, while bunch weights in control plots in trial 2 had coefficients of variation of 23-37% (table 3).

  • Should we then give up the assumption of feature weighting or the assumed connection between weighting and prefrontal cortex?

  • Changes in actual collection times come closer to a welfare impact but need to be weighted by the opportunity cost of time.








