
  • 0 strong; not easily broken or made weaker or defeated -- 结实的;坚固的;坚强的

  • 1 difficult to do or to deal with -- 困难的;棘手的

    • Many homeless people are facing a tough winter. 许多无家可归者正面临严冬的考验。

    • My boss has given me a tough job/assignment. 我的老板给了我一个棘手的活儿/任务。

    • We've had to make some very tough decisions. 我们不得不作出了一些很艰难的决定。

    • The company is going through a tough time at the moment. 公司现在正值困难时期。

    • They will be a tough team to beat. 他们会是一支很难战胜的队伍。

    • They've had an exceptionally tough life. 他们的一生异常艰苦。

  • 2 Tough food is difficult to cut or eat. -- (食物)老的,不易切开的,嚼不动的

    • These apples have tough skins. 这些苹果的皮很老。

    • This steak is very tough. 这块牛排很不好嚼。

  • 3 likely to be violent or to contain violence; not kind or pleasant -- 粗鲁的;暴力的;不友善的

    • Many of the country's toughest criminals are held in this prison. 这个国家最凶残的罪犯有许多都关在这座监狱里。

    • a tough neighbourhood 治安很差的社区

  • 4 unlucky -- 不幸的,倒霉的

    • "I don't have any money left." "Well, (that's just) tough - you shouldn't have spent it all on cigarettes." “我的钱都花光了。”“哼,活该——你不该把钱都拿来买烟。”

    • It's tough on Geoff that he's going to miss the party. 杰弗真倒霉,他要错过这次聚会了。

    • "I have to work late today because I'm very behind on my work." "Oh, tough luck!" “我今天必须加班,因为落下了许多活儿。”“哦,真倒霉!”

  • 5 a violent person -- 粗暴的人;暴徒

    • Bands of armed toughs roamed the city. 几群持有武器的暴徒在这座城市里游荡。



  • However, the initial lyrics build from empathy to an assertion that the rapper is deeply wounded and vulnerable in a manner belying his tough image.

  • Tough calls: making ethical decisions in the care of older patients.

  • However, the meticulous detail with which this is achieved makes this quite short book very tough going for all but the most dedicated.

  • Also, immigrant integration became more politicized, with various politicians now openly calling for a tougher approach to immigrant integration.

  • As shown, this process of gendering mobilizes two main and largely contrastive representations of men as soft (feminine) and hard (tough, macho).

  • He also inherited the preference for a tough monetary stance to support sterling.

  • It would be a tough course that covered the breadth and depth in here properly!

  • This is an important and tough-minded book, and one that despite its grim subject matter fizzes with ideas.








