
  • 0 If something is spare, it is available to use because it is extra. -- 额外的,备用的;多余的

    • I like to paint in my spare time. 我业余时间喜欢画画。

    • UK informal "Do you want this cake?" "Yes, if it's going spare (= if no one else wants it)." “你要这块蛋糕吗?”“如果没有别人要,就给我吧。”

    • Could I have a word with you when you have a spare moment/minute? 如果你有时间,我能否和你谈两句?

    • We have a spare room if you want to stay overnight with us. 要是你想在我们这里过夜的话,我们有一个空房间。

    • Do you have a spare pen? 你有多余的笔吗?

    • spare sheets and blankets 多余的床单和毛毯

    • a spare key/tyre 备用钥匙/轮胎

  • 1 tall and thin -- 瘦高的,瘦长的

    • He had the spare build of a runner. 他有着赛跑运动员的瘦长体型。

  • 2 plain and not decorated -- 简朴的,未装饰的

  • 3 to get very upset or angry -- 很恼火,很生气

    • She goes spare if I'm so much as five minutes late. 如果我迟到5分钟,她就会很生气。

  • 4 to not hurt or destroy something or someone -- 饶恕;不伤害;不毁坏

    • They asked him to spare the women and children. 他们要他放过妇女和儿童。

  • 5 to prevent someone from having to experience something unpleasant -- 使避免,使免遭

    • It was a nasty accident - but I'll spare you (= I won't tell you) the gruesome details. 那是一起严重的事故——我就不跟你讲那些令人毛骨悚然的细节了。

    • Luckily, I was spared the embarrassment of having to sing in front of everyone. 幸运的是,我躲过了在大家面前唱歌的尴尬。



  • Music educators can benefit from the awareness of musical activities their students are involved in during their spare time.

  • Village committees were formed to administer the vehicles, but embezzlement, poor administration, and lack of spare parts soon caused serious problems.

  • Some of his examples really involve a tripartite division (=triglossia) such as thin spare emaciated.

  • Everyone has organs to spare, whether dead or living.

  • Three processors plus a spare is required for redundancy, each dedicated to a different function.

  • This simple model presents the key features of any larger construct, albeit in spare and highly simplified form.

  • The system is linked to the illustrated spare parts catalogue and to relevant electronics technical documentation.

  • In principle, this can spare remaining forests from conversion to crop land.








