
  • 0 high or higher in rank -- 级别高的

    • The Dragons head coach praised his senior players in the 23-16 win. 龙队主教练称赞队里老队员在这场23比16的胜仗中的表现。

    • She's senior to me, so I have to do what she tells me. 她是我的上级,所以我得听她的。

    • a senior government minister 政府高级部长

    • senior management 高级管理层

  • 1 older -- 年龄大一些的

    • Hello, may I speak to Ken Griffey senior, please? 喂,请问老肯‧格里菲在吗?

    • The more senior students are given some extra responsibilities. 年纪大一些的学生负起了更多的责任。

  • 2 someone who is high or higher in rank -- 上级;上司

  • 3 20, 30, etc. years older than someone -- 比…年长20/30岁等的

    • Seniors are entitled to a reduction of around 10%. 年迈人士可获10%降价优惠。

    • She's my senior by three years (= she is three years older than me). 她比我大3岁。

    • She married a man 20 years her senior. 她嫁给了一个比她年长20岁的男人。



  • They continued to meet, and to do so without the senior chiefs from their quarters.

  • High schools have adapted to the dramatic increase in the senior population by introducing vocational subjects.

  • The chairmen of the senior committees believe that a hospital ethics committee has an educational role in the institution.

  • Bureaucratic autonomy was ensured in the first decades of independence, by the retention of expatriate senior civil servants.

  • To the author, the extent of the influence of these features in conditioning actions by senior officials is arguable, but their existence is not.

  • For giving help, few seniors assisted someone else during baby-sitting (12.4%), but the majority helped with household chores (74.5%).

  • Some senior workers might realize immediate gains or apparent losses at the point of conversion to the new plan.

  • For purposes of age stratification, the terms ' elderly ' and ' seniors ' will be distinguished here.








