
  • 0 a feeling that prevents you from doing something that you think is morally wrong or makes you uncertain about doing it -- 顾忌;顾虑

    • He is a man without scruple - he has no conscience. 他是一个无所顾忌的人——一点良知都没有。

    • Robin Hood had no scruples about robbing the rich to give to the poor. 罗宾汉对劫富济贫问心无愧。

  • 1 to not care that something you do is morally wrong or likely to have bad results -- 毫无顾忌地做…

    • He wouldn't scruple to cheat his own mother if there was money in it for him. 只要有利可图,他会毫无顾忌地欺骗自己的母亲。



  • The media picture themselves as the upholders of rectitude, but many members of the media have neither principles nor scruples.

  • I have tried hard to put out of my mind any trivial and foolish or affected scruples in this matter.

  • What we have to do, apparently, is to throw over our moral scruples.

  • Indeed, it is very important for someone with the scruples that he has to make that bold statement and demonstrate by example.

  • We do not have these scruples for magistrates' courts.

  • A nation that denies those freedoms to its own people will have few scruples about denying them to others, agreements or no agreements.

  • Her own innate scruples make her loath to occupy this all-providing, all-deciding, monolithic role among responsible, civilised mankind.

  • If a person does that he does not bargain; he does nothing except insist that his scruples shall be respected.








