
  • 0 a child -- 小孩

    • You should have seen him when they arrived. He was like a kid in a candy store. 你真应该看看他们来的时候他的样子,简直就像是进了糖果店的孩子。

    • [ as form of address ] What's up, kid? 年轻人,怎么啦?

    • He was only 16, just a kid really. 他才16岁,还是个毛头小子。

    • He took the kids to the park while I was working. 我工作时他把孩子们带到公园去了。

  • 1 a young goat -- 小山羊,小羚羊

    • kid gloves 小山羊皮手套

  • 2 to say something as a joke, often making someone believe something that is not true -- (与某人)开玩笑;哄骗

    • He says there's a good chance she'll come back to him but I think he's kidding himself. 他说她很可能会回到他身边,但我觉得他是在自欺欺人。

    • I'm just kidding you! 我不过和你开个玩笑!

    • You won first prize? You're kidding! (= I'm really surprised.) 你得了第一?开玩笑吧!

    • Oh no, I forgot your birthday! Hey, just/only kidding! 啊,我把你的生日忘了!嘿,开玩笑的!



  • A hands-on approach to archaeological practice for example, cannot easily be accepted: sacred symbols are not for kids to play with.

  • They had attended high school, played sports or spent time in dance halls and in and around movie houses among kids from multiple ethnic neighborhoods.

  • I asked her if she remembered any of the poems she used to recite for us when we were kids.

  • Note: no faecal culture in the untreated group of kids showed the presence of nematophagous fungi.

  • It's cool to have a kid with an accent to show you spent money sending him abroad.

  • But that does not mean that every kid who deliberately as the fittest way of saying what needs to be said.

  • Two groups of seven parasite-free kids were formed.

  • These strains were isolated from 4 animals (2 healthy lambs, 1 healthy goat kid and 1 diarrhoeic lamb).








