
  • 0 to make whole or perfect -- 使完整;使完全;使完美

    • Have you completed your application form yet? 你的申请表填好了吗?

    • All she needed to complete her happiness was a baby. 只需再有个孩子她就幸福美满了。

    • He only needs two more cards to complete the set. 他只需再有两张牌就凑成一副了。

    • Complete the sentence with one of the adjectives provided. 从所给形容词中选择一个将句子补充完整。

  • 1 to finish doing something -- 完成;完工;结束

    • She will complete her studies in France. 她将在法国完成学业。

    • The palace took over 20 years to complete. 这座宫殿耗时20多年才竣工。

    • He's just completed filming his 17th feature film. 他刚刚完成他第17部故事片的拍摄工作。

  • 2 very great or to the largest degree possible -- 完全的,十足的,彻底的

    • I made a complete and utter mess of it! 我把它彻底弄糟了!

    • I need a break, a complete change of scene. 我需要休息一下,彻底换换环境。

    • The man's a complete fool! 这人是个十足的傻瓜!

  • 3 with all the parts -- 全部的,完全的,完整的



  • The self-administered questionnaire (which was completed between the first and the second interview) included a dietary inventory and some mental health and attitudinal scales.

  • A third complex was under construction in 1225, and completed in 1260, consisting of common rooms, outbuildings, refectory, dormitory, cloister, kitchen, bakehouse and stables.

  • The "dialogue" that results from such activity is in fact aesthetic because its elements are completed aesthetically.

  • Preparations were completed to cash it after the election.

  • The carving is essentially completed before it is moved from the quarry area.

  • When this is completed, the flutes are carved with at least two stages of roughing with a point and finishing with a wide round-headed chisel.

  • Further, effective performance and risk management systems must be established, and work must be completed on threat and vulnerability assessments.

  • Evaluation of metabolic homeostasis, lipid profile, and kidney and myocardial function must be completed before surgery.








