
  • 0 the act of saying that something is wrong or not satisfactory -- 抱怨,发牢骚,诉苦;投诉,控告

    • I hear a lot of complaining about the technology not working as it should. 我听很多人抱怨说技术不能正常运转。

  • 1 saying that something is wrong or not satisfactory -- 抱怨的,发牢骚的,诉苦的;投诉的,控告的

    • Then he began to speak in a high, complaining voice. 然后他开始用一种抱怨的口吻高声说话。

    • I was a little shocked and asked him if they accused all their complaining customers of being liars? 我非常吃惊,问他是否他们指责所有的投诉客户都是骗子?



  • When people demand to have 'choices, not echoes', are they truly complaining about not having distinct choices or just about facing a bad outcome?

  • He also takes the 'no smoke without fire' attitude to the plethora of pamphlets complaining about wealthy, unemployed womanhood.

  • On the negative side, it is associated with physical and mental decline, stereotyped as self-pitying, unhappy, complaining and unproductive.

  • Examination of any patient complaining of disequilibrium should include a careful assessment of strength and joint mobility of the lower extremities.

  • For example, some people compared their own determined cheerfulness in the face of difficulties, with the complaining manner of others.

  • The pensioners were increasingly complaining that the contribution cuts and restitutions would eat away the reserves for future indexation.

  • Second, stop complaining, learn how to switch off the specific grammar checking features you don't like, and appreciate the technology for what it is.

  • Nor is it difficult to find past scientists complaining that the larger cultural commitment to their work was faltering.








