
  • 0 an organization that sells goods or services in order to make money -- 公司

    • No smoking is company policy. 禁止吸烟是公司的规定。

    • I work for Duggan and Company. 我在达根公司工作。

    • He works for a software company/a company that makes software. 他在一家软件公司工作。

  • 1 the fact of being with a person or people, or the person or people you are with -- 作伴;陪伴;同伴

    • I'll keep you company till the train comes. 火车到来之前我会一直陪着你。

    • I usually have the radio on for company. 我一般会开着收音机,为的是有伴儿。

    • You'll like Rosie - she's good company. 你会喜欢罗茜的——她是个好伙伴。

    • With only her thoughts for company (= being alone), she walked slowly along the beach. 她慢慢地沿着海滨散步,独自一人沉思着。

    • Margot came to stay for a week as company for my mother while I was away. 在我离家期间,玛戈到我家来住了1个星期,给我母亲作伴。

    • I didn't realize you had company (= were with someone/people). 我不知道你这儿有人。

    • I'd rather you didn't mention it when we're in company (= with other people). 当着他人的面,我觉得你最好不要提起那件事。

    • I travelled in the company of (= with) two teachers as far as Istanbul. 我和两位老师结伴而行,一直到了伊斯坦布尔。

    • I enjoy my own company (= I like being alone). 我喜欢独处。

    • It was a long trip and I was grateful for his company. 旅途漫漫,我感谢有他作伴。

    • I just enjoy his company. 有他陪伴我感到很愉快。

  • 2 a group of actors, singers, or dancers who perform together -- 剧团;演出团;歌舞团

    • I'd like to thank the director, the choreographer and the other members of the company for being so supportive. 我想对导演、编舞及剧团其他成员的大力支持表示感谢。

    • She's in the National Theatre Company. 她是皇家国立剧团的演员。

  • 3 a large group of soldiers. especially a division of a battalion -- (尤指军队中营下辖的)连,连队

    • My cousin and I joined the same Guide company. 我表姐和我加入了同一支女童子军大队。



  • The following variables had non-significant effects and were therefore not entered in the forward stepwise procedure : change in company, current activity, location, change in location.

  • Therefore, an efficient product configuration system is required for a company to handle information regarding the characteristics of many product variants.

  • A major turning point in the company's history was the six-month world tour which was undertaken in 1964.

  • Oil companies have visited these localities but their collecting was more in the nature of spot-checks.

  • Many good hits are made on the soft targets of transnational pharmaceutical companies.

  • One of the major stumbling blocks may be the availability of sufficient capital to fund the company's start up operations.

  • A consensus among physicians that lean was healthy only developed after insurance companies began promulgating ideal body-weight tables (the first appeared in 1912).

  • But there is always the pain and the loss that the calculating tables of insurance companies are not able to express, calculate, or compensate for.








