
  • 0 to share information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals -- 交流,沟通(信息)

    • I find I just can't communicate with her. 我发现我和她就是无法沟通。

    • As an actor he could communicate a whole range of emotions. 作为一名演员,他能表达各种情感。

    • Has the news been communicated to the staff yet? 消息传达给员工了吗?

    • Unable to speak a word of the language, he communicated with (= using) his hands. 那门语言他一窍不通,只好用手势来表达。

    • We can now communicate instantly with people on the other side of the world. 我们现在可以与生活在地球另一边的人们进行即时交流。

  • 1 to pass a disease from one person or animal to another -- 传染,传播(疾病)

  • 2 If one room communicates with another, it connects with it through a door. -- (房间)互通,相连

    • communicating rooms 相通的房间

    • The bedroom communicates with both bathroom and hall. 卧室与厕所和门厅都是相通的。



  • Problems exist not only with maintaining currency of information with respect to performance standards, but also in communicating connection to contemporar y ideas.

  • How can the international scientific community communicate if there is no common language?

  • Where face-to-face attendance at team meetings is difficult, access to alternative ways of communicating with other team members will be found.

  • The different ways that pulse information might be communicated and used are examined.

  • Really, the physician is the only one who has to communicate with the patient, do the right thing, and be responsible.

  • Do musicians really communicate with one another and with their audience?

  • The reference here is not to architectural representation that relies on precision alone to communicate a built condition.

  • The implication is clear - oral lore is dynamic, and we cannot presume that it correctly communicates the facts of history without additional confirmation.








