
These are word's examples related to tenant. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于tenant的信息


  • Tenants are complaining that vital repairs are not being done.

  • They formed a tenants association.

  • He was cruel to his tenants.

  • Tenants had to give part of their harvest to the landowners.

  • The substantial and middling tenants at this time would have held on long leases, typically of 11 or 19 years.

  • The difference in wealth between landlord and tenant might be so large as to allow the former to impose whatever contract he wants.

  • The landlord once suggested that a relative of his would be prepared to swap property with the tenants.

  • The number of tenants with 1 acre remains static (perhaps through data problems).

  • The data had also stated that 35,931 tenants had received thirty-year leases to land that was privately endowed.

  • Many of these improvements were carried out on the home farm, but encouragement to innovate on tenant farms can also be seen.

  • A national census of the tenants of the institutions for continuing care and assisted living programs 1990.

  • It provides means-tested rent assistance for low-income tenants in private and social rented housing.

  • Again, we have a straight conflict between lords and tenants over the customary rights of each.

  • The latter drew an income derived mainly from money-rents from tenants, which were untouched by the abolition of ' feudalism ' in 1798.

  • The age and gender profiles of tenants in the different areas were similar.

  • In 1747, the system of land tenure by which a tenant could be summoned for military service, known as hereditary ward-holding, was abolished.

  • For the larger tenant, continued occupancy was secure under the lease system and, as such, they had less cause to mobilise concepts of hereditary right.

  • They provide a different perspective than the many newspaper reports of the time describing lavish dinners for tenants on rent day.

  • Not entirely unexpectedly, the articulation by some of self-concept\image entailed express or implied criticisms of tenants.









