
These are word's examples related to graze. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于graze的信息


  • Influence of structure and composition of ryegrass and prairie grass-white clover swards on the grazed horizon and diet harvested by sheep.

  • After parasite eggs are accidentally ingested by grazing snails, they develop within the snail and multiply asexually into cercariae.

  • The paddocks were naturally contaminated with infective trichostrongylid larvae from infected cattle grazing the previous year.

  • The meadows were grazed by cattle (four herds) or sheep.

  • Finally, grazing animals or parasitic viruses or microorganisms can limit photon interception and use.

  • In addition, a profitability equation is estimated parameterizing the grazing decision by using the length of grazing rotation as a variable.

  • The statistical distribution of trichostrongylid nematodes in grazing lambs.

  • Previously prominent farms were abandoned as a result of jokulhlaup destruction to homesteads and grazing land.

  • Entry of sheep was banned while curbs like grazing fee were imposed for other cattle.

  • The influence of pasture and animal factors on the consumption of pasture of grazing sheep.

  • Ingestion of faeces by grazing herbivores - risk of inter-species disease transmission.

  • Where there are s animals being grazed, the expected value of zt is slm with variance ls2s2.

  • Heterogeneity of soil mineral nitrogen in pasture grazed by cattle.

  • Therefore, studying the intake and diet composition of animals grazing in the typical steppe is of essential ecological and economical importance.

  • Effects of sward height and bulk density on bite dimensions of cattle grazing homogeneous swards.









