piracy Định nghĩa bằng tiếng Việt

  • 0 the act(s) of a pirate -- sự cướp biển; việc sao chụp bất hợp pháp

    • Publishing that book under his own name was piracy.

    • He was accused of piracy on the high seas


Ví dụ về piracy

  • We must find the means to curb the globalisation of counterfeiting and piracy.

  • The same is true of the piracy which has been mentioned.

  • Creating effective alternatives is the best way to combat piracy.

  • The size of the area in which pirates operate makes it hard to deal with the problem of piracy with military resources alone.

  • Piracy is increasing greatly all the time, and one of the main areas in which it operates is the internet.

  • The first is piracy, on which the recommendations are all good, but inevitably general.

  • We combat piracy for profit, but we are completely opposed to criminalising consumers.

  • The word "salvage" is interpreted in a pretty wide sense to include such things as mutiny, disorder, piracy, and so on.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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