deep Định nghĩa bằng tiếng Việt

  • 0 going or being far down or far into -- sâu

  • 1 going or being far down by a named amount -- chiều sâu

    • We dug a hole six feet deep.

  • 2 occupied or involved to a great extent -- chìm đắm vào

    • He is deep in debt.

  • 3 intense; strong -- say; nặng

    • They are in a deep sleep.

    • The sea is a deep blue colour/color

  • 4 low in pitch -- trầm

    • His voice is very deep.

  • 5 far down or into -- xa ở bên dưới hoặc ở trong


Ví dụ về deep

  • For scientific purposes, a cognitive universal is valuable because it can reflect the deep reasons why minds work the way that they do.

  • The prospect of a deeper scientific understanding of ageing processes and their technical manipulation is encouraging the ' biologisation' of old age.

  • Rampant corruption and lack of public accountability has caused deep popular distrust of the state.

  • Seed distributions in the bucket experiment differed among species, with small seeds being buried deeper than large seeds.

  • All of these doubts are epistemologically permissible and quite understandable in view of the existing deep difficulties.

  • The carer can now serve the dying with compassion, deep caring, professional knowledge, and comfort in the presence of the patient.

  • Underlying these practical concerns, however, there is often a deeper uncertainly about what the approaches actually mean in terms of methodology.

  • Deep subcortical structures are necessary, and perhaps sufficient, for both effects.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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