aerobics Định nghĩa bằng tiếng Việt

  • 0 physical exercises to make the heart and lungs stronger, often done to music in a class -- thể dục nhịp điệu

    • Water aerobics can help you to burn calories.


Ví dụ về aerobics

  • They may be aerobics, choir practice, music, drama, dance, photography, philately, or anything one likes to think of.

  • They are more likely to engage in other activities such as dance, jogging and aerobics which will be sustained throughout their adult life.

  • But government is not about intellectual aerobics; it is about ensuring that those affected by legislation have a clear and precise understanding of the law.

  • There is the person who likes to go to aerobics once a week or jogging or to lift a few weights.

  • The current fad for aerobics, for instance, if it is a fad, has moved into a competitive area.

  • Types of activities currently supported in after-school clubs are netball, swimming, football, adventure activities, gymnastics and aerobics.

  • She could watch the children playing or go to an aerobics class.

  • Aerobics have replaced jogging as the "in" way to keep fit.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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