
  • 0 a small amount of food that is eaten between meals, or a very small meal -- 小吃,點心;速食

    • Many snack foods are high in salt, sugar, and fat. 很多速食都是高鹽、高糖、高脂肪。

    • Fresh or dried fruit makes an ideal snack. 新鮮水果或果乾是理想的點心。

    • I had a huge lunch, so I'll only need a snack for dinner. 我午餐吃得很飽,所以晚餐吃些點心就可以了。

  • 1 to eat small amounts of food between meals -- (在正餐之間)吃零食,吃零嘴

    • If you eat three good meals a day, you're less likely to snack on biscuits. 如果你一天三餐好好吃,可能就不會把餅乾當零嘴了。

    • I've been snacking all day. 我吃了一天的零食。



  • I do not necessarily mean hot meals, but at least what are known as heavy snacks.

  • Although difficulties of organisation and transport may make it necessary in certain areas to restrict the number of meat pies, snacks, etc.

  • The report drew attention to children's eating sweets and snacks between meals as one the major causes of dental decay.

  • They can purchase snacks and all sorts of things.

  • Even a small food company must know what ingredients they use in bread or snacks.

  • The machines on each floor offer a range of both hot and cold drinks while light snacks such as sandwiches, crisps and confectionery are available.

  • The master usually owns and manages the kissa, and is often the sole employee, serving drinks, small snacks, and most importantly, controlling the selection of music for his clientele.

  • We thus concentrate on the other composition, that is, nest unnest, and proceed as follows: we first give a new presentation of snacks, which is easier to read.








