
  • 0 (a piece of) strong, thick string made of long twisted threads -- 粗繩;纜繩;繩索

  • 1 to tie things together with rope -- (用繩索)捆,綁,系

    • The climbers roped themselves together. 登山者用繩索把他們自己都連在一起。

    • I'll rope my horse to your car and pull you out of the ditch. 我把我的馬套在你的汽車上把你從溝里拉出來。



  • However, reliable nannies, mostly young women from the countryside, are hard to recruit and keep, once they have learned the ropes about life in the city.

  • Traps were made of square pieces of large-mesh polyethylene fabric tied by ropes to four neighbouring live trees, at about 1.5 m above ground to avoid disturbances by large mammals.

  • The only radical solution is to cut the ropes tying it to the fake, blowing it to pieces and putting the pieces together, in a new and revealing configuration.

  • In the volador ceremony, several individuals, whose feet were tied to long ropes wrapped around a tall pole, leapt off the pole to "fly" in circles as the ropes unwound.

  • Echoing the tangle of ropes at the beginning of the novel, entanglement again serves as emblem of indeterminacy - of the unpredictable and unknowable in a world of mixed phenomena.

  • Over time, each manufacturer learned the ropes of heavily regulated markets and adapted sales and marketing strategies to the prevailing regulatory framework in existence in each country.

  • Fences (80 cm in height) used to enclose quadrats were made of flexible fine plastic mesh sheets attached to plastic ropes at the top and metal chains at the bottom.

  • Unweaned calves are tied by ropes.








