
  • 0 to put something that is damaged, broken, or not working correctly, back into good condition or make it work again -- 修理;修補;修復;整修

    • Is it too late to repair the damage we have done to our planet? 現在採取措施挽回我們對地球所造成的破壞已為時太晚了嗎?

    • to repair a broken friendship 修復破裂的友情

    • I really must get my bike repaired this weekend. 這個週末我真得修修腳踏車了。

    • The garage said the car was so old it wasn't worth repairing. 修車廠的人說這輛車太舊,不值得修了。

    • to repair a roof after a storm 暴風雨後修理房頂

    • to repair (the surface of) the road 修路(面)

  • 1 the act of fixing something that is broken or damaged -- 修理;修補;修繕

    • The mechanic pointed out the repair (= repaired place) on the front of my car. 修車工人給我指出車前部修過的地方。

    • The repairs to the roof will be expensive. 修理房頂將會花很多錢。

    • My car is in the garage for repairs. 我的車正放在修車廠裡維修。



  • The location and repair of recent water pipe breaks was ascertained.

  • The ascending aorta was bulbous, but narrowed at the transverse arch and at the site of repair of the aortic coarctation.

  • The remaining 53 patients underwent intracardiac repair, and the morphology of the atrioventricular valve was carefully observed at the time of the operation.

  • We speculate that, earlier during development, the aorta was damaged, became inflamed and was repaired, with fibrosis obliterating the elastic tissue.

  • In this case, recasts do not account for any repairs, while elicitation is responsible for 43% of all studentgenerated repairs.

  • The long harvests, moreover, encroached on the time available for between-crop repairs and maintenance.

  • Earlier methods relied on sutures to repair the hernia under tension, whereas newer methods involved placing a synthetic mesh over the defect without tension.

  • Balanced against this, is the higher incidence of transannular repair, and possibly higher morbidity and mortality.








