
  • 0 the possibility that something good might happen in the future -- (發生好事情的)可能,可能性,機會

    • We'll be interviewing four more prospects for the jobs this afternoon. 今天下午我們要再面試四個有希望徵得這些職位的應徵者。

    • We face the prospect of having to start all over again. 我們很可能不得不再次從頭開始。

    • I'm very excited at the prospect of seeing her again. 一想到又會見到她我就激動不已。

    • The prospect of spending three whole days with her fills me with horror. 想到要和她在一起呆整整三天,我就毛骨悚然。

    • Prospects of/for (= opportunities for) employment remain bleak for most people in the area. 該地區大多數人的就業前景還是很黯淡的。

    • She's hoping the course will improve her career prospects. 她希望這門課能改善自己的事業前景。

    • There's every prospect of success. 有百分之百成功的希望。

    • [ + that ] There's not much prospect that this war will be over soon. 這場戰爭不大可能很快結束。

    • There seems little prospect of an end to the dispute. 爭端似乎不大可能平息。

    • Is there any prospect of the weather improving? 天氣有可能好轉嗎?

  • 1 a good view of a large land area or of a city -- 景色,景觀

  • 2 to search for gold, oil, or other valuable substances on or under the surface of the earth -- 探勘

    • to prospect for oil/gold 探勘石油/黃金



  • But the prospect of affirmative strategic behaviour by minorities counts against the standard simple-majority scheme and makes absolute majority rule a real alternative.

  • Within the bureaucracy of the multi-tiered health service, there was little prospect of them exercising any real user influence.

  • In prospect theory, loss delivers this exaggerated sting because losses are measured against the actor's reference point, not the actor's net asset position.

  • Furthermore, even for scholars who are dubious about the prospects for generalization or uninterested in its pursuit, theoretical explorations of historical causation remain important.

  • On the other, torments surface about restricted occupational prospects and tedium.

  • I also do not think that the only future for museums that do want to become more popular is a 'gloomy prospect of complete commodification'.

  • The prospect of a deeper scientific understanding of ageing processes and their technical manipulation is encouraging the ' biologisation' of old age.

  • Some political scientists have demonstrated how the prospects for democratization are enhanced by wars.








