
  • 0 to need to pay or give something to someone because they have lent money to you, or in exchange for something they have done for you -- 欠(債);欠(帳);該償還

    • I think you owe (= should give) me an explanation/apology. 我覺得你得向我解釋一下/道歉。

    • I owe you a drink for helping me move. 你幫我搬家,我該請你喝一杯 。

    • We still owe $1,000 on our car (= we still need to pay $1,000 before we own our car). 我們的車還欠1000美元未付清。

    • [ + two objects ] I owe Janet $50. 我欠珍妮特50美元。

  • 1 to have success, happiness, a job, etc. only because of what someone has given you or done for you or because of your own efforts -- 把…歸功(於);把…歸因(於)

    • I owe everything (= I am very grateful) to my parents. 我非常感激我的父母。

    • He owes his life to the staff at the hospital. 他能保住命全虧了這家醫院的醫護人員。

    • I owe my success to my education. 我的成功歸功於我所受的教育。



  • The localized solutions, at early times, are found to be damped owing to the dust-charge fluctuations.

  • During the dry season the locusts could be approached nearer than during the rains, owing to their inactivity when the humidity is low.

  • Prices become merely nominal if payment is not instantaneously done, no man knows what he owes, and yet everything is done on credit.

  • Presumably, the pulses are not as strong for low and high k, owing to interference with the forcing and dissipation.

  • The latter type displays a fairly complex distribution, owing to the fact that it can sometimes appear in contexts without overt negation.

  • Evidently the film thickens with increasing capillary number owing t o the attendant increase in deformation.

  • Nor is identification unconditionally owed to existing institutions.

  • I was able to record such a large body of data owing to the assistance of my friends, many of whom were network marketers themselves.








