
  • 0 to dislike someone or something very much -- 憎恨,憎惡,厭惡

    • I'd hate (= would not like) you to think I didn't appreciate what you'd done. 我不願讓你認爲我不感激你做的事。

    • [ + to infinitive ] I hate (= do not want) to interrupt, but it's time we left. 我不想打斷你,但我們該走了。

    • I hate him telling me what do to all the time. 我討厭他每時每刻都在告訴我該做甚麽。

    • [ + -ing verb ] I have always hated speaking in public. 我一直都很討厭在公共場合講話。

    • I hate it when you do that. 我非常討厭你那樣做。

    • She hated the cold, dark days of winter. 她不喜歡冬天寒冷陰暗的日子。

    • Kelly hates her teacher. 凱莉厭惡她的老師。

  • 1 an extremely strong dislike -- 憎恨,憎惡

    • UK One of my pet hates (= one of the main things I dislike) is people who use your name all the while when they're speaking to you. 我最討厭那些跟你說話時不停地叫你名字的人。

    • The feelings of hate grew stronger every day. 仇恨一天天加深。

    • She gave him a look of pure hate. 她非常憎恨地看了他一眼。



  • The poll tax was, and is, hated by the majority of people.

  • Suppose her husband hates the idea, and tries to argue her out of it.

  • A human individual is a very animated being, with passions, loves, hates and all the rest of it.

  • The other factor that bedevils any system, and which has become one of my pet hates over the years, is jargon.

  • They were men who hated tyranny, whether practised at home or abroad.

  • We should have hated not to have had that delightful piece of obstruction of the channel.

  • If anyone doubts the need to abolish the poll tax, let me remind them why it is so hated.

  • Hating was spelt hayting, and perhaps that reflected the ability of the writer to think.








