
  • 0 a long, angry look -- (長久的)怒視,瞪眼

    • She gave me a fierce glare. 她狠狠瞪了我一眼。

  • 1 unpleasantly bright or strong light -- 刺眼的光

    • This screen gives off a lot of glare. 這種螢幕發出的光太刺眼。

    • Tinted windows will reduce the glare/the sun's glare. 有色玻璃窗會遮擋刺眼的陽光。

  • 2 to shine too brightly -- 發出刺眼的光

    • The sun was glaring right in my eyes. 強烈的陽光直刺我的眼睛。

  • 3 to look directly and continuously at someone or something in an angry way -- 怒視,瞪眼

    • She glared angrily at everyone and stormed out of the room. 她橫眉怒目地瞪了大家一眼,氣呼呼地衝出房間。



  • He is glaring into the television cameras and telling them how tough he is today, or anyway that he will be with luck tomorrow.

  • Our study also demonstrates a glaring differential in advance care planning by age, with advance directives much more common for older residents than for younger residents.

  • There are no glaring mismatches between fitt changes and narrative transitions in the work of the first scribe as there are in that of the second.

  • Underlying the military debacle was the regime's political defeat, itself the result of a glaring discrepancy between the state's needs for warmaking and society's meagre resources.

  • I think his complaints boil down to three main issues: glaring functional problems in prize-winning buildings, arrogant architects out of touch with popular taste, and prejudiced competition juries.

  • Next, when peoples' income and expenditure are compared a glaring contradiction prevails: the poor are found to be spending just over twice the income they claim to have.

  • Viral proteins with assigned functions appear to be well conserved with one glaring exception.

  • His 'introduction' is a swirling kaleidoscope of bright and glaring sound soon stalled by that whimsical contrabass clarinet - supported by equally whimsical percussion.








