
  • 0 an official or legal process to end a marriage -- 離婚

    • What are the chances of a marriage ending in divorce? 一樁婚姻以離婚而告終的幾率有多大?

    • Ellie wants a divorce. 埃莉想離婚。

    • Divorce is on the increase. 離婚呈上升趨勢。

    • The last I heard they were getting a divorce. 上次我聽說他們正在辦理離婚手續。

  • 1 a separation -- 分離,分隔

    • Why is there such a divorce between the arts and the sciences in this country's schools? 爲甚麽在這個國家學校把藝術和科學完全分隔開來呢?

  • 2 to end your marriage by an official or legal process -- (與…)離婚

    • She's divorcing her husband. 她正在和丈夫鬧離婚。

  • 3 to separate two subjects -- 割裂,分割(主題)

    • How can you divorce the issues of environmental protection and overpopulation? 你怎能把環境保護和人口過剩這兩個議題分割開來呢?

  • 4 a man who is divorced and who has not married again -- 離了婚尚未再婚的男人



  • The shared assumption of legal professionals, therapeutic professionals and divorcing parents alike is that such a decision calls for therapeutic, not legal, expertise.

  • The relationship between dealer and client is not always divorced from the occult.

  • In an age of the ever-powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent nation state, culture cannot be divorced from the wider political environment.

  • Maybe this is because linguistic investigations tend to be highly theoretical - and divorced from most people's immediate interests in language.

  • Isolated utterances have been divorced from their context, a practice which is unpardonable in the history of ideas.

  • Furthermore, becoming divorced resulted in increases in drinking, suggesting that the effects of marital dissolution during young adulthood are important.

  • The registers indicate dates of divorces and the abandonment of women (men who were abandoned by their wives were not registered as such).

  • Ninety-six triadic interactions were available because 12 couples had divorced.








