
  • 0 the feeling of being disappointed -- 失望,沮喪

    • I always felt I was a disappointment to my parents. 我總是覺得自己是一個讓父母失望的孩子。

    • The party turned out to be a huge disappointment. 派對辦得令人大失所望。

    • To my (great) disappointment (= sadness), he decided to leave. 令我(非常)沮喪的是,他決定離開。

    • Get tickets early to avoid disappointment. 早點預訂以免撲空。



  • On the former, the advantages and surpassed expectations clearly exceeded the problems and disappointments, so that for 80 per cent of our informants, their well-being score was positive.

  • His eventual blindness is hardly touched upon in the narrative, despite its prominence in the title, which is one of the few disappointments in his compelling narrative.

  • In these circumstances, most parents would decide to have the operation performed, even though doing so would mean that the child would suffer greater disappointments in life.

  • The external events draw a profile of a successf ul woman who no doubt suffered disappointments and setbacks but never theless continued to struggle and achieve a great deal.

  • They also experience continuous disappointments.

  • The fact that so many disappointments with the reality of such services were voiced seemed, at its simplest, to reflect a lack of shared agendas between the parties.

  • They also made the fewest references to environmental and life-style advantages and unanticipated benefits, complemented by significantly frequent references to problems and disappointments in this category.

  • The private family sphere was no communal realm of virtue ' ruled by altruism and love ', but instead a 'sphere of expectations, disappointments, critique, and moral judgement ' (p. 28).








