
  • 0 to recognize how good someone or something is and to value him, her, or it -- 欣賞;賞識;重視

    • I would appreciate it if you could let me know (= please let me know) in advance whether or not you will be coming. 如能提前告知能否前來,我將不勝感激。

    • [ + -ing verb ] I appreciate your making the effort to come. 你能撥冗前來,我深表感激。

    • We really appreciate all the help you gave us last weekend. 上週末得到你們的大力幫助,我們非常感謝。

    • [ + question word ] I don't think you appreciate how much time I spent preparing this meal. 我覺得你沒有意識到我做這頓飯花了多少時間。

    • [ + that ] I appreciate that it's a difficult decision for you to make. 我體會到,你作出這樣的決定有多難。

    • We appreciate the need for immediate action. 我們充分意識到了馬上採取行動的必要性。

    • There's no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn't appreciate them. 給他買名貴的酒沒有用——他不懂品酒。

  • 1 to increase in value -- 漲價;增值

    • Our house has appreciated (in value) by 50 percent in the last two years. 過去兩年內我們的房子增值了50%。

    • The value of our house has appreciated by 50 percent in the last two years. 過去兩年內我們房子的價格上漲了50%。



  • The linchamientos cannot be understood without appreciating this sense of desperation.

  • Independent replications of genetic effects are needed to appreciate the magnitude of genetic influences on these disorders.

  • He then dismisses natural-law theory with the objection that it fails to appreciate the fallenness of human nature.

  • It is difficult for us to appreciate the startling freshness of these fabrics.

  • If there were some doubts at the outset, however, they seem to have evaporated once farmers appreciated the advantages of cooperative arrangements.

  • Most people who are not themselves singers fail to appreciate the extraordinary physical labour and tension required to produce an operatic sound.

  • Since these exercises tend to change the context for the new construct, students also begin to appreciate its general powers and pitfalls.

  • The voyage was blessed by fine weather, and appeared to be enjoyed and appreciated by the passengers.








