
  • 0 without other people -- 單獨(的),獨自(的);孤獨的(地),無伴的(地)

    • I don't like the man and I'm not alone in that (= other people agree). 我不喜歡那個人,而且並不是我一個人這樣覺得。

    • The Swedes are not alone in finding their language under pressure from the spread of English. 感受到自己國家的母語面臨著英語廣泛使用壓力的不僅僅是瑞典人。

    • At last, we're alone together (= there are just the two of us here). 我們終於可以享受二人世界了。

    • Do you like living alone? 你喜歡獨居嗎?

    • She decided to climb the mountain alone. 她決定獨自去爬那座山。

    • He likes being alone in the house. 他喜歡自己一個人呆在家裡。

  • 1 without any others -- 唯一,僅僅,只有

    • Price alone is not a reliable indicator of quality. 價格本身並不能準確反映品質。

    • The airfare alone would use up all my money, never mind the hotel bills. 光買飛機票就會讓我分文不剩,更別說住旅館了。

    • He won't get the job through charm alone (= he will need something else). 單靠個人魅力他是不會得到這份工作的。

    • These facts alone (= even if nothing else is considered) show that he's not to be trusted. 單憑這些事實就可以看出他這個人不可信。

    • She alone needs to decide what to do (= no one else can do it for her). 她必須自己決定做甚麼。



  • One may be frightened by an animal while walking alone through the forest, away from one's home.

  • In (o), the item in question is alone in the paradigm or not.

  • The topic sheet was given to the par ticipants right before the recording and then the pair of participants was left alone in the room.

  • He sings of his sleeping 'alone in my attic' in easy harmony with the two lovers.

  • Thus, the offstage sounds alone will have the ability to signal a jump in time (or space or both).

  • First, because the story is not presented simply and directly, as it might be in a performance for children alone.

  • At a significance level of 0.05, 1 in 20 test results would be positive by chance alone.

  • The effect of parasitic infection alone was examined using mosquitoes of the same age.








